Firemint has once again made Mobile Gaming history after receiving two awards at the prestigious Apple Design Awards for Flight Control HD on the iPad and Real Racing on the iPhone. Firemint is the first company to receive two awards in one year in the events 14 year history.
Flight Control HD is the iPad adaptation of Firemint's massive iPhone hit that invented the "line drawing" genre, and introduced numerous tweaks to make it a perfect fit for the iPad's larger display. Checkout our video review for Flight Control HD.
Real Racing is Firemint's ground breaking iPhone racer, which redefined player expectations for what is possible on the iPhone. Checkout our video review for Real Racing.
The awards were presented at a ceremony at Apple's World Wide Developer Conference in San Francisco on June 8, and included 5 awards for iPhone apps and 5 awards for iPad apps. The winning apps showcase the best technology adoption, design and user experience, innovation and performance. More information about the Apple Design Awards.