Occupying a space somewhere between platforming, line-drawing, and strategy, Gamevil’s Kami Retro was well received by AppSpy on review last month.
According to Andrew, though, the game’s underlying strength – its addictiveness – soon became its fundamental weakness, as Kami Retro’s 60 obstacle-strewn levels can be polished off too quickly by seasoned gamers.
To encourage you to find out whether you agree with our lead critic, the publishers have lowered its RRP to 99c for a limited time.
As a bonus, Gamevil have taken this opportunity to introduce a couple of new playable characters, an assortment of collectible golden eggs, and, least excitingly, an updated robot icon.
A few knobs have been twiddled and a few glitches removed by the Gamevil coders, too, all of which will enhance your enjoyment of this 8-bit flavoured platformer no end.
If you’re pining for a Mario-Lemmings hybrid on your iDevice, look no further than Kami Retro. Seriously.