Duke Nukem Forever Heading To iPhone?

By , on May 11, 2011

A lot has changed in Britain since 1997.

The Labour Party swept to victory only to be ousted by a coalition government. Prince William met a fetching young lady at Uni and proceeded to marry her. London submitted a bid for the Olympic Games...and won. Oddly.

One underlying constant throughout this period, though, is the appearance (or rather non-appearance) of first-person shooter Duke Nukem Forever.

This mythical beast should – and one emphasises the word ‘should’ here – finally hit store shelves on 10th June 10 under the stewardship of Gearbox Software.

You may justifiably ask, “Why is he mentioning all this?”


A Touch Arcade forum goer has donned his detective hat and spied a reference to Apple’s App Store in the licensing agreement for Duke Nukem Forever on Steam. Somebody give that sleuth a biscuit.

Put two and two together and Dukey may be taking names on iPhone in the near future. Or maybe in 2025.

Check out our review of Duke Nukem 3D here, by the way.