Horrid Henry Movie Tie-In Catapults Onto iPhone

By , on August 2, 2011

Some of you may know Horrid Henry through his almost never-ending series of books, movies, and inspirational lectures.

I know him through the worst DS game of all time: Horrid Henry's Horrid Adventure. I have played this game. It is Superman 64 bad.

Now, the same developers have come out with an iPhone game. Yayyyy!

Comprising three separate mini-games, Horrid Henry's Horrid App takes its cue from the recent live-action film.

There's an Angry Birds-style catapulting section, where you soak Moody Margaret with a water balloon; a dressing up game; and a standard obstacle-dodging platformer.

This latest addition to the Horrid Henry canon is out now for $2.99. It can't be any worse than the DS version.
