You may recall that last week Japanese video game behemoth Capcom brandished two extra cabinets in its iPhone Arcade.
One of the new titles made available to Capcom Arcade punters was, of course, Final Fight. (The other was 1943.)
Now, almost by coincidence, Capcom’s great rival Sega has released its own side-scrolling sensation Streets of Rage 2 onto the App Store. Well, the New Zealand App Store.
The original ORIGINAL Streets of Rage was Sega’s Genesis response to the Nintendo-exclusive Final Fight, so this particular duel has bucketloads of previous.
Anyhow, Streets of Rage 2 for iPhone will scrap its way into all App Store territories overnight, retailing for $2.99 and guaranteeing sore thumbs across the board.
The plot?? If we must.
Hero of the first Streets of Rage adventure Adam has been kidnapped by Mr X and his syndicate. Accompanied by Ad’s kid brother Skate, Axel, Blaze, and Max kick seventeen bells of poop out of any of X's men that remotely angers them.
Oh, and they try to rescue Adam.
Bluetooth multiplayer is included in Streets of Rage 2, so you and a pal may team up to layeth the retro smacketh down. Go on, don’t just stand there: hit ‘im!!!!