Ying and yang. Black and white. Crouch and Messi. iPod and Zune. To that list of famous polar opposites, we should, natch, add Order & Chaos.
Gameloft decided to take these two sides of the state space coin online in its World of Warcraft-esque title on iPhone at the end of April.
Fast forward two months and this 3D, real-time epic MMORPG has levelled-up to version 1.0.2.
So, what's in store for all the Elves, Orcs, and Undead who brave the App Store forest and click 'Update' when prompted?
New quests, language-specific chat channels, additional armour sets, and a teleporter in Greenmont, mainly.
And if you happen to be particularly rubbish at battling and consistently meet your virtual maker, Gameloft have taken pity on you by outlawing spawn camping in Player-versus-Player arenas.
Google it if that's a tad unclear.
Enter the legend of Order & Chaos Online on iPhone now and lose yourself for weeks. (What's a 'Zune', by the way, Mr Editor?)