I won't jump the gun just yet, but the Pick of the Week is a dead give away this week, so there's no need to skip all the way there straight away. Instead, sit back and relax and listen to the news of the week that was in AppSpy's Friday News-Wrap Up for the 24th of August, 2012.
Warhammer Quest - By Rodeo Games, out next Spring
I had to have a cold shower after finding out about this ditty. Board games have been doing very well on the App Store, if only because they provide minimal changes from the real thing and are often much cheaper to invest in. Warhammer Quest from Games Workshop is an absolute classic, but it also mimics a gameplay style we all know and may even love - turn-based tactical combat. Who better to hold the reins than Rodeo Studios, the studio behind the slick Hunters series? While the game is slated for Spring 2013, we should have some footage in the next month or so - I honestly can't wait.
Curiosity - By 22 Cans is 'shelved'; needs a new name
Love him or hate him, Peter Molyneux is a force to be reckoned with in the games industry and his latest project with 22 Cans is set to unleash a social experiment on the world, with the first title 'Curiosity' having players around the world chip away at a giant cube, with only one person being the ultimate victor. Unfortunately 'curiosity' is sort of taken for now - what with the recent Mars project - so the 'game' is delayed until a new brand can be worked out.
Wild Blood - Gameplay trailer lookin' mighty fine
If any studio is worthy of a second chance, it's Gameloft. While the studio has settled in to a rather familiar pattern over the years, there are always shining glimpses of greatness buried in their titles; be it the artwork itself or unique gameplay twists. In either case Wild Blood is looking like a solid hack'n'slash title, throwing players in to a thick mix of monsters and deploying over-the-top abilities to survive. There's a definite Devil May Cry / God of War / Chaos Legion vibe going on and I'm happy to jump on the hype train.
Grabbity - Cute, yet brutal tilt-based platformer out soon
Dave often prods and pokes me with upcoming releases that look good and I have to admit he has a point when it comes to Grabbity by Efecto Studios and Televisa. The cute rabbit-esque creatures are under attack and by rotating your screen you can make your character jump, slide and perform crazy mid-air stunts to survive its many puzzle chambers. The game is slated for a September 6th release date.
Mini-review: KooZac (SQUARE ENIX Viker SPL) $0.99 Univ.
Square Enix are have certainly been trying a new approach when it comes to the iOS platform - while their premium RPGs are certainly worthwhile, their casual titles often leave out something in their final release. Or rather something is left in that should be left out - a hand in your pocket. KooZac is a brain-tickling arcade puzzler that challenges players to throw down numbered blocks in order to create matches. What are these matches? Each block you place down changes what number you need to 'add up to' in order to clear a set of blocks. There's a puzzle mode with a set beginning of blocks that need to be cleared and an 'endless' mode where you keep playing until you top-out. Facebook integration allows you to compete with friends, but in all of this you're earning 'coins'. These are used, predictably, to purchase power-ups that can fit in to one of three available slots. They can be toggled on and off before a stage, so you'd assume once they're bought they're yours for good... and you'd be wrong. After two uses the power-up is gone and so is your investment; something that's not easily gained back. In truth they're not required to finish the game, but the slight is frustrating, especially when the game's 'helpful tips' suggest you buy more coins every time you visit the boost menu. There's merit in KooZac's unique 'matching blocks' gameplay, but it's also hard not to be put off at the same time.
Pick of the week: Horn (Phosphor Games Studios Zynga) $6.99 Univ.
Zynga are out to prove to the world they're not just a one trick pony and if they're going to support developers like Phosphor Games Studios then I'm all for them branching out in to new directions. Mixing the best elements of adventure titles on bigger consoles and on the iOS platform, Horn is a wonderful hybrid that's executed almost flawlessly, from its fantastic visual style to its unique enemies and amusing voice-acting segments. If there's one game worth investing in from the last week, and maybe even this month, it's Horn.
It's time for me to peace out, kick back, and enjoy the weekend, so as always keep an eye on Twitter, Facebook and our website for more news and reviews. If you haven't already, like and subscribe to let us know we're on the right track! Have a great weekend!
Additional Links:
Wild Blood Gameplay Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn6vv16Vq_I
Grabbity iOS Gameplay Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7dclZaKbAo
Curiosity - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b72HoQSQmEk
Warhammer Quest: Teaser - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Yhod1degdo
KooZac Review - https://www.appspy.com/koozac-review
Horn Review - https://www.appspy.com/horn-review