Glu releases Gun Bros 2 trailer

By , on January 29, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 11 months ago

It's been more than two years since the first Gun Bros came out, which is a lifetime in the smartphone and tablet gaming world. Let's put it this way, when Gun Bros came out, Infinity Blade was still a month away and people were being charmed by how shiny their first generation iPad looked.

Gun Bros 2 has actually been around for a couple of months now, albeit in beta form and only available from the Canadian App Store, but a trailer released by Glu today suggests that a global release isn't too far away.

There's no gameplay footage to speak of, but according to the Canadian App Store you can expect vehicle rampages, plenty of guns, exotic locations, and plenty of evil scum bags to riddle with laser fire and rocket holes.

You can check out the trailer below, and we'll keep you updated about the game's release date.

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