Another new developer diary for Real Racing 3

By , on February 4, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 11 months ago

Firemonkeys has released a new developer diary for their upcoming racer, Real Racing 3, that sheds some light on the innovative new multiplayer modes that have been created for the game and giving us some more footage of the gorgeous looking game in motion.

Asynchronous multiplayer is the order of the day, but it features a few new twists too, with the ghost cars you're racing against now more physical than ever. You can use them as makeshift brakes, clip their wheels, and generally drive like the person you're racing against didn't set their time a couple of days ago.

There's still no concrete release date for the game, but it is expected sometime early this year. Until then, you'll just have to keep checking out the dev diaries to get your fix of stunningly good looking iOS racing. 

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