Cognition: Episode One hits the App Store

By , on February 28, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 10 months ago

The iPad is slowly becoming a second home for the point and click adventure, a point hammered home with the release of Phoenix Online Studios's Cognition: Episode One.

The game casts you as Erica Reed, an FBI agent who has the power of post-cognition. She can pick up objects and see what happened to them in their past. Now she's on the trail of four killers, and one of them knows about her power.

Cue lots of object finding, mysterious puzzle solving, and some gorgeous looking graphics. If you're a fan of the adventure genre, then you're likely to find a whole lot here to get your pointing and clicking teeth into.

Put together by something of an adventure game dream team, Cognition: Episode One features input from renowned comic artist Romano Molenaar as Art Director, while Jane Jensen, creator of the Gabriel Knight series, acted as story consultant.

If all of that's got your interest piqued, the game is out on the App Store now for $4.49, and you can pick it up by clicking right here.