Double Fine Adventure gets a name

By , on March 25, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 11 months ago

The experiment formerly known as Double Fine Adventure finally has a name and a synopsis. No longer do the millions of dollars Double Fine raised through KickStarter belong to an unnamed project, instead they're being used to fund the development of Broken Age.

The game is set to tell the story of a young girl who's been chosen by her village as a sacrifice to a terrible monster, and a young boy who lives a solitary existence on a spaceship. Their paths entangle and entwine and, as you'd expect, adventure ensues.

If you didn't put some money into the KickStarter campaign, you've still got a chance to become a backer of the game. Throwing cash at Double Fine seems to be the done thing nowadays, but there are backer rewards to bag as well. You can learn more by clicking here.

There's still no concrete release date for the adventure, although we know it'll definitely be coming to iOS sometime in the not too distant future. If you want to learn more about Broken Age, you can do so by clicking here.