FIST OF AWESOME gets a new trailer

By , on March 26, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 10 months ago

Retro styled woodland creature brawler Fist of Awesome has received a new trailer that shows off the sort of bear punching action you can expect when the game arrives on the App Store in May.

The game, which has been developed by Nicol Hunt, whose previous employers include Codemasters and Realtime Worlds, had a successful Kickstarter funding push last year, and is set to see the light of day in a couple of months.

Thanks to the Kickstarter cash - the game earned over £11,000, more than double what was asked for - Hunt has been able to bring in more help to get the game finished, which is good news for anyone who's longing for an iPad or iPhone game where knocking out bears and deer is par for the course.

You can check out the new trailer below, and head over to the game's website for some more information by clicking right here

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