First trailer for Dungeon Hunter 4 arrives

By , on March 27, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 10 months ago

It's fair to say that Dungeon Hunter 3 didn't go down too well with a lot of people. The move from a premium, story based adventure to a freemium, arena based brawler didn't go down too well with a lot of fans.

And now we've got the first trailer for the fourth game in the series, cleverly titled Dungeon Hunter 4. Right now we've got no release date, no confirmation of pricing, and a trailer that, while it shows off lots of violence and the possibility of a story, doesn't really give any clues away.

One thing's for sure, the game looks gorgeous, and it's going to feature plenty of large enemies for you to club, slice, shoot, and magic to death. It also appears a giant demon is going to be involved somewhere along the line.

You can check the trailer out below, and rest assured we'll let you know any details about the game when Gameloft releases any.

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