First look at Moebius

By , on April 1, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 9 months ago

Moebius is the latest game by adventure game luminary Jane Jensen. For those of you unfamiliar with her work, she is most famous for the Gabriel Knight series. Last year her kickstarter campaign for a new game was funded, and this trailer based on an alpha build of the game was released to her kickstarter backers, who will be providing feedback.

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Already it looks quite intriguing as a story, if not a little flat and sparse in the animation department. The backgrounds are very eye catching however. Plans are to show the game off at this year's E3. No word on when they're looking to release but I would imagine sometime this year, perhaps in quarter four. As this is being released on iPad alongside PC and Mac, you can bet that we here at Appspy will tell you what we think as soon as it's released.