Battle Dungeon returns as Battle Dungeon: Risen

By , on April 2, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 9 months ago

If you've any interest in the fantasy role playing genre you might remember a game by the name of Battle Dungeon that released at the end of last year. It was a turn based adventure that let you test your strategy and cunning against AI foes or online friends.

Unfortunately so many people pirated the game that the developer, Hunted Cow Studios, couldn't keep up the servers for people who'd legitimately bought the game and it had to be pulled from the App Store.

Well, now it's back with a new name, Battle Dungeon: Risen, and a focus on single player gaming rather than the asynchronous online battling that the original game offered. So you're still getting a turn-based, strategy RPG, you just can't play it against real people because they can't be trusted not to steal things.

You'll train your characters, boost their skills with more than a hundred different items, and lead down one of three skill paths that branch off into nine different skill paths. It's fair to say there's a lot of content here, and it's all presented in pretty impressive 3D.

You can check out a very long gameplay trailer of the game below, or if you fancy jumping straight in, head on over to the App Store and pick the game up by clicking here. Just promise not to steal it and ruin it for the rest of us, okay?

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Via Touch Arcade