Dungeon Hunter 4 hits the App Store

By , on April 10, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 9 months ago

The last instalment of the Dungeon Hunter franchise, Dungeon Hunter 3, split fans of the series. Some loved it, others found the new freemium model cloying and unpleasant. Well, Dungeon Hunter 4 is here now, and it's still a free to play title.

There is promise, however. Gameloft is offering an epic storyline and plenty of areas to smash, slash, and steal your way through. There are four classes of brawler to choose from, each of which is upgradeable and customisable.

If that's not enough for you there's also co-op arenas where you and a friend can battle it out against hordes of demonic scum, and a PvP mode that lets you show how much better your axe is than everyone else's.

The game will available from the App Store pretty sometime later today and you'll be able to grab it for nothing at all. Alternatively you could wait for our review to see whether it's worth wasting your time on.