NES-Retku brings the pixel madness to iOS

By , on April 11, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 9 months ago

If you like your iOS brawlers tinged with a pixel tinted, retro madness, then NES-Retku from independent Finnish developer Panic Art Studios is probably going to be right up your slightly mental alley.

Starring Finnish video game celebrity Retku, the game is about critics who are dragged into an 8-bit beat 'em up when they play a suspicious video game cartridge. Cue lots of punching, running, and coin collecting as you try to figure out what's going on.

With plenty of pixelated violence to keep you entertained, and a story that's guaranteed to be more ridiculous than it sounds, fans of old skool brawlers are going to be in combo bashing heaven when the game is released on April 18th.

If that's too long for you too wait, check out the trailer we've embedded below that shows the game in all of its ludicrous, gaudy brilliance.

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