They Need To Be Fed 2 coming soon

By , on April 16, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 9 months ago

They Need To Be Fed is one of the finest platformers available on the App Store, with the only thing stopping it getting a perfect score in our review the simple fact that it was too short. Well, They Need To Be Fed 2 is on the way, and it's looking to set that problem right.

The simple and effective look of the first game remains in place, with black platforms placed on brightly coloured backgrounds, and just like before you're going to be leaping around, defying gravity, collecting diamonds, and making sure the carnivorous beasts at the end of the level don't go hungry.

There are a few twists to the formula too, with new obstacles, different plants that you need to grow to help you complete the game, and much much more.

We've embedded a sneak peek at the game below. There's no solid release date yet, but according to a post on the Bit Ate Bit blog, it's going to be arriving very soon. We will, of course, keep you posted when we know anything new.

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