Appspy Transition

By , on April 22, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 8 months ago

Heya loyal readers.

Andrew will probably either add to this article or make his own, but Appspy will be going through a bit of a transition, and whether it's temporary or permenant remains to be seen. You may have noticed that the site has been quiet since about Thursday, and the latest review to just go up has no video to accompany it. Well I will still be updating the site with new written reviews, and any news I can find, but the video content will be absent for the foreseeable future.

For those of you just here for our excellent video reviews, we understand, and hopefully they can resume sooner than later. To those that stick around and continue to support us, we give our thanks. Your traffic and feedback helps us to strive to become bigger and better, and during times of uncertainty like this, it certainly is appreciated!

I just wanted to let you all know what was happening, and new reviews should be on site later on in the day. :)