Appspy Transition Updated!

By , on April 26, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 8 months ago

Hey hey all! Well a work week has passed since I wrote about Appspy getting all shook up like Elvis. For those of you who were missing the video content, first... shame on you for not making do with my amazing reviews! Now that I've got all the jokes out of my system, let me fill you in on what's going on.

Andrew has taken a new position at a new company. We wish him the best, and will miss the work he put into helping make Appspy much bigger than it was when I was editor. In the past week, our parent company Steel Media has found us a new video creator in James, who will be commencing new video content as of next week. I'd like you all to make him feel welcome.

So that's pretty much it. I've held the fort this week by pumping out the review quality you're used to, and as of next week, these reviews will be combined with James' videos to continue on as if almost nothing has happened. I hope that clears everything up. 

That has been Appspy's week of transition. Dave out!