Star Command finally arriving on iOS

By , on April 29, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 8 months ago

It's been a long and bumpy road for Star Command, but after two Kickstarter campaigns, $200,000 of crowd funded cash, and a year of slipping release dates, the game is finally set to hit the App Store on the May 2nd.

The game puts you in control of your own space ship, letting you build it as you see fit, and populating it with a diverse cast of characters. Once you're jetting about the galaxy you'll encouner diverse alien races and get in laser battles with them,

The game's going to hit the App Store for $1.99 and it'll be a universal app, which is quite fitting for a game that's about exploring the cosmos.

We've embedded a trailer below for your viewing pleasure, but bear in mind it did come out about a year ago, and a lot might have changed since then. We'll be sure to let you know what's what when our review of the game hits.

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