Steve Jackson's Sorcery! out at midnight tonight

By , on May 1, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 8 months ago

Inkle's digital reworking of Steve Jackson's Sorcery!, the classic Fighting Fantasy saga from the '80s, is due to hit the App Store at midnight tonight.

If you've never encountered Jackson's work before, he is known for producing several popular RPG gamebooks. These interactive adventures required you to make destiny-altering decisions on a page-by-page basis, asking you to turn to a different page to discover each outcome.

For this updated version of the Sorcery! gamebook, developer Inkle has taken full advantage of the modern tech at hand.

As a result, this first chapter - subtitled The Shamuntanti Hills - features never-before-seen 3D maps, plus all new sword-duelling and spell-casting systems.

If you fancy letting your fingers choose your fate, you can download Sorcery! from the App Store for $4.99 at midnight.