Is this the end for Peter Molyneux's Curiosity?

By , on May 1, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 8 months ago

After several months and millions of tapped cubelets, it looks like Peter Molyneux's enigmatic experimental app 'Curiosity - what's inside the cube' may be preparing to reveal its big secret.

You see, the Curiosity dev has just posted a video stating that there are only 50 layers of tiles remaining on the cube's surface.

Clear these layers, and the cube will finally give up its mysterious (and allegedly "life-changingly amazing") contents to the player who plants the final tap.

There's been much speculation surrounding the right-angled monolith and its concealed prize. Some, like AppSpy's own Harry Slater, have been speculating exhaustively since day one.

Now, the answer is almost within our grasp.

There's a catch, however. In order to find out what's in the box, you'll have to update your app to Version 3. Luckily, said update is now available from the App Store. 

Check out the trailer below to discover how the end of Curiosity will begin.

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