The Middle of the Curiosity Cube has been Breached!

By , on May 26, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 7 months ago

Six months after the release of Curiosity, not only has the middle of the cube been breached, we also know what is inside. For those of you unfamiliar, Curiosity was an experimental app where you could tap on the side of a cube to uncover the layer beneath. You could also buy special tools through IAP to increase your cube breaking prowess, but the idea was that sooner or later through the combined effort of all the players, one person would reach the center... and what was there was for them, and them alone.

So here's a video of Peter Molyneux explaining what was in the center of the cube (as the winner, Bryan Henderson was ok with the secret being shared with the world).

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Some of the theories I remember being thrown around when the app was first released was something to do with a new Molyneux game (and there was the joke of dinner with Peter Molyneux as well). Well it seems those theories were right (about the game, not the dinner), as the prize was indeed a starring role in 22Cans' new game Godus. It is a god simulator, which sarcastically is quite surprising from the developer behind Populous, and Black and White.

Bryan gets the honor of ruling above all the players in the game who are gods themselves. He gets to help design the rules that the game is played by, and he gets a share of the profits of the game itself.

Peter Molyneux promised that the center of the cube would be a life changing experience. We aren't cynical enough to say that it's not a good prize, and that Bryan shouldn't be excited, but well, no matter what was in the center of that cube, the reveal was always going to be a bit of a letdown.

Congratulations to Bryan, and we'll be watching to see how Godus turns out (and if you can, try and get Peter to turn down his hype machine... just a tad).