XCOM: Enemy Unknown out on Thursday

By , on June 18, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 7 months ago

Strategic UFO shooter XCOM: Enemy Unknown is due to appear on the App Store this Thursday. This release will be an almost identical port of the acclaimed console and PC title of the same name. 

If you've never stumbled across the console version, XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a turn-based strategy game which places you in command of a military response unit. You job is to monitor,  manage and repel UFO incursions.

Here's what you need to know:

Firstly, it'll be available on iPhone and iPad. 

Secondly, as it's a port of a recent console release, you're going to be dealing with a pretty hefty file size. We're talking gigabytes rather than megabytes here, meaning you might have to make some tough choices regarding your virtual games library.


Which brings us to the price. So, what does one charge for an iOS port of a recently released AAA game? According to 2K, you charge £13.99 / $19.99.

While some may balk at that figure, it's worth noting that it is a good deal less than the $60 you'd pay at launch, or the $39.99 Amazon.com is currently asking for the Xbox 360 version.

What's more, if the game is as good as its console brethren, it'll be a small price to pay (literally) for having this quality title with you at all times.

Look out for an XCOM: Enemy Unknown sighting on June 20th. In the meantime, here's lead designer Jake Solomon to guide you through the basics of play: