Knightmare Tower Released on August 1st

By , on July 10, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 6 months ago

[Edit: The developers have contacted us and aside from getting the price wrong (it will be $2,99), speculations about the control scheme are off as well. It will be a touch based game with tilt movement. That's sure to bring less of a headache than a swipe mechanic!]

Juicy Beast are best known for their iOS of the PC Flash game Burrito Bison (our review can be found here), and for their next release on the platform, they're bringing across another popular game. This time it's an extended remake of Knightmare Tower. It's being released on August 1st for $2.99, and to be honest, it looks like a lot of fun. Watch the trailer and see for yourselves.

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It looks like attacking enemies might be using a swipe mechanic, and the way the character bounces to them reminds me of Sonic's air lock-on in the 3D sonic games. If it contains a solid progression system in the shop along with enjoyable swiping gameplay, I think Juicy Beast might have a winner on their hands. We'll know more upon release.