Plants vs Zombies 2 Soft Launch in Australia & New Zealand

By , on July 10, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 6 months ago

Similar to the release of Real Racing 3 earlier this year, Plants vs Zombies 2 is getting a soft launch in the Australia and New Zealand stores. The purpose is much the same. Popcap wish to test out not only the online functionality with the cloud saving feature, but also using a single account across all platforms. In addition, they wanted to witness how the monetization options were recieved on a smaller economic scale than that of North America or Europe (though one that operates similarly).

This soft launch is set to take place over a number of weeks to make sure the final product is stable for a world-wide release. Now seeing that I live in Australia, I have already acquired a copy of the game. Unlike our early Real Racing 3 review, we will offer an impressions article that will go up sometime later this week to inform you all how the game holds up in these early stages (and if we expect great things from its release).

Stay tuned!

[Source - Polygon]