Sine Mora Update adds new Control Options

By , on July 30, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 5 months ago

Our review of the iOS port of Sine Mora was quite glowing, but one aspect that we took issue with was the virtual joystick control scheme. Well developers Digital Reality Software Kit have taken the criticism to heart and have added touch controls in their latest update.

These controls can be fixed or floating (wherever you place your finger) and add a lot more fluidity to the movement. Of course now there's the issue of obscuring incoming bullets, but in a game when getting hit decreases your time instead of killing you, it's a little more tolerable.

Along with the control options, they have balanced aspects of the game as well as improving the visuals (possibly by tweaking the performance to allow for it).

One of the great things about the App Store (and digital stores in general) is the immediacy of which a developer can receive feedback and address criticisms and problems in their game. Sine Mora was already a solid release on iOS, and now it has become better.

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