EA is developing a mobile version of Battlefield

By , on October 22, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 3 months ago

Get ready to step back into the line of fire, military shooter fans: EA is currently is working on a mobile version of its Battlefield series.

During an interview with the New York Times, head of EA's mobile development Frank Gibeau revealed that his team is in the process of bringing the console shooter franchise to smartphones and tablets.

"We are working on a mobile game of Battlefield that will be high-end and high-performance," Gibeau said.

Having pointed out that Battlefield's Commander Mode also supports tablet-based play, Gibeau touched on another aspiration for the Battlefield series: cross-platform play.

"We're embarking on something no one has ever done before - to get these games to inter-operate between platforms," Gibeau continued.

Though the EA head is optimistic about the potential of cross-platform play, he acknowledged that implementing it in a game like Battlefield isn't an easy prospect.

"Not all franchises will make the transition," Gibeau observed. "Battlefield might be a little harder."