The Stormglass Protocol is a new type of room escape game

By , on October 29, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 2 months ago

My knowledge of room escape games is limited to the Zero Escape series (I'm about twenty hours into Virtue's Last Reward at the moment), but I am quite familiar with their popularity, especially as browser games. The Stormglass Protocol looks to envelop the room escape puzzle experience in dark humour and intrigue. Tying together these room puzzles within larger context should work well, and the trailer makes it look interesting if nothing else. Have a look for yourselves.

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The game is out for free on the App Store. The first three rooms are free, with the rest being unlocked through in-app purchase. The email we received from the developers makes it sound like this is only going to last a few more days until their proper launch, in which the app will rise in price.

[App Store Link]