The Incredible Corpse is a zombie stealth game...

By , on November 1, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 1 month ago

...and not what you're probably thinking. You're not trying to sneak your way around hordes of infected. No, aliens have stolen everyone's brain and turned them into zombies, and its up to you to help the zombies stealthly assault the alien strongholds to get their brains back. Perhaps it might be easier if you just watched the trailer...

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The game will release at the end of November. The first chapter will be free, with the other chapters to follow costing a fee. The game looks entertaining enough to warrant a look at upon release. Also, the developers have launched a Kickstarter to support development, and add more features to the game. It's a pity they missed the Halloween window, but those who have to visit their families on Thanksgiving will tell you, the end of November can be pretty frightening in its own regard.