Sorcery! Part 2 to cast its spell on the App Store tonight

By , on November 6, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 2 months ago

There is a man standing before you. In his right hand, he holds an unusual book. This book has only a single glass page, upon which words and images dance across like stones skimming the surface of a lake.

The man touches the glass book with his finger. Suddenly, an new image flashes into existence upon its sleek, reflective surface:

Before you can ask what this terrifying image means, this man flicks his enchanted finger and the creature is gone. The picture has now been replaced with the following text.

"The second chaper of Steve Jackson's interactive adventure book Sorcery! will go live on the App Store at midnight tonight. All those who seek closure should muster their courage, sharpen their weapons, and set aside £2.99 / $4.99 to secure passage to Khare."

The man fixes you with a cold, steely gaze, and speaks a single sentence:

"Dare you enter the Cityport of Khare?"

If you wish to continue the story, click the link below after midnight tonight.

If you want your journey to end, close the browser window and carry on looking a pictures of cats.

 [App Store link]