Doctor Who: Legacy to materialise on the App Store 'soon'

By , on November 11, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 3 months ago

Doctor Who is coming to iPhone and iPad in a new free-to-play adventure titled Doctor Who: Legacy.

The game, which has been developed by the BBC in conjunction with Seed Studio and Tiny Rebel Games, is expected to go live soon after the airing of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special 'The Day of the Doctor' on November 23rd.

This won't be the first time the infamous Time Lord has materialised on the App Store. Most recently, he appeared in the isometric puzzle adventure Doctor Who: The Maze of Time.

Beyond the game's title and payment model, we don't know much about Doctor Who: Legacy. However, the dev team has posted one screenshot (above) from the upcoming game via its Twitter page, subtitled 'Asylum of the Daleks'.

If you are a Whovian, then you should recognise the image as a reference to the first episode of the show's seventh season, complete with arctic zombies and dusty Daleks.

Though we can't be certain, it seems likely that the rest of the game will also draw inspiration from previous episodes in the series. 

As soon as we have a release date for Doctor Who: Legacy, we'll let you know.