Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse magically appears on the App Store

By , on November 21, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 2 months ago

Disney Interactive has just released its re-imagining of '90s Sega classic Castle of Illusions for iOS devices.

Rather than simply tart up the original Mega Drive for the App Store, Disney has decided to port this year's PSN and XBLA release Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse onto iPhone and iPad instead.

Though it shares the 2D original's castle setting and rodent lead, Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse is a 3D platformer which constantly shifts perspective.

Sometimes you'll be guiding the mousekateer from right to left in traditional platforming fashion. Now and then, however, the camera will shift to an over-the-shoulder third-person perspective or fixed angle.

The console version of Castle of Illusion met with mixed reviews, with critics praising the handsome visuals, but expressing disappointment at the game's short running time and stodgy controls.

We will have some video footage of the game up soon. If you want to take a leap of faith, you can download it right now for £6.99 / $9.99.

[App Store link]