Candy Crush Saga follow-up Papa Pear Saga ready to be plucked from App Stores worldwide

By , on November 29, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 3 months ago

The pear flavoured follow-up to global success story Candy Crush Saga has just gone live on App Stores around the world.

Papa Pear Saga is essentially developer King's take on PopCap's iconic ball-pinger Peggle. You chuck a marble at a floating cluster of fruit, and the marble eliminates every object it touches from the screen.

There's a huge amount of luck involved in clearing a screen, but the game makes plenty of encourages noises and dole's out mad rainbow victory fireworks to make you feel like you've earned your three stars.

It's nothing we haven't seen before, but if it enjoys half the success of Candy Crush Saga, then you, your mates, and your mum will all be playing it by tomorrow lunchtime.

You can download Papa Pear Saga for free right now.

[App Store link]