Collect and conquer in new casual RPG Heroes of Dragon Age

By , on December 5, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 2 months ago

EA's historically-slanted RPG Heroes of Dragon Age is now out of soft launch, and can be downloaded by iPhone and iPad owners worldwide.

Essentially a collectible card game without the cards, Heroes of Dragon Age invites players to recreate battles from the Dragon Age mythology. The aim, beyond swotting up for your fantasy history exam, is to collect as many characters as you can, and then combine these heroes with others to power up your squad.

As with most CCG-style games, the battles themselves play out automatically. You job is to ensure you have cherry-picked the best fighters for each bout based on their skills, stats, and loyalties.

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If you need a little help from the gods, you can also use magical runes to give your squad a little extra pep. You may need it, too, especially for those all important boss battles.

As you can see from the trailer (above), Heroes of Dragon Age certainly looks the part. Whether its looks and license can successfully distinguish the game from the countless other casual free-to-play RPGs on iOS remains to be seen.

If you want to find out for yourself, you can download Heroes of Dragon Age free from the App Store now.

[App Store link]