Santa goes all Tomb Raider in festive Temple Run 2 update

By , on December 11, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 2 months ago

Nothing says Christmas like a grubby archaeologist legging it down a narrow pathway with a priceless artifact stuffed into their belt pouch.

Okay, that was a lie. There's nothing remotely Christmassy about Temple Run 2. Which is presumably why Imangi have been forced to artificially inject some festive cheer into its endless-runner sequel via the game's latest update.

Now, provided you've downloaded the update, you will be able to jog merrily towards a sense of seasonal goodwill by taking control of Father Christmas himself.

Quite what Santa's doing running away from a giant skull-faced monster we're not sure. But he's there nonetheless. Because it's Christmas.

The update also lets you put Santa hats on other Temple Run characters, and chucks in a few new artifacts to discover.

If helping Santa steal historic artifacts jingles your bells, then you know what you have to do.