Download gorgeous auto-runner Rayman Jungle Run for free right now

By , on January 2, 2014
Last modified 11 years, 1 month ago

Christmas may have come and gone, but Ubisoft has produced a final gift for iOS gamers from beneath its virtual tree. Provided you head over to the App Store pronto, you can download the excellent auto-runner Rayman Jungle Run without having to spend a single one of those delicious chocolate coins Santa gave you.

Which is good, as Apple doesn't accept confection as currency.

The game itself is a clever little level-based auto-runner which manages to bring the beautful art style of console release Rayman Origins to mobile, and marry it with smart and intuitive touchscreen controls.

If you haven't played Rayman Jungle Run - or its equally entertaining sequel Rayman Fiesta Run - then you owe it to yourself to give the game a bash. Besides looking phenomenal, the game's 70 levels will test your reflexes to their limits - especially once you hit the notoriously difficult Land of the Livid Dead stages.

You can grab Rayman Jungle Run free from the App Store right now via the link below.  

[App Store link]