Ambitious sci-fi MMO Universe Rush materialises on Kickstarter

By , on January 7, 2014
Last modified 11 years, 1 month ago

If like me you're a little weary of the Kickstarter model - perhaps you've been burned by unfulfilled promises or disappointing products - then you might find it tough to drum up enthusiasm for yet another video pleading for the contents of your bank account.

However, if you only watch one iOS-related Kickstarter video today, we suggest you pick the one promoting intergalactic MMO Universe Rush

It's this one, incidentally:

There's no denying that $100,000 is a lot of cash to ask for, especially for a something as difficult to start-up and sustain as a massively-multiplayer online game. 

However, it's equally impossible to ignore that fact that Universe Rush's sci-fi visuals looks pretty darn striking in motion.

According to the game's creative director Arseny Lebedev, success in Universe Rush is all about mining resources, creating alliances, and building the most impressive fleet of starships the galaxy has ever seen.

We expect that lasers come into play at some point, too.

Interestingly, rather than asking you to part with your pennies based on a single video or screenshot, the folks at Rushlab Studio have made an iPad-compatible tech demo of the game available via their Kickstarter page.

You can download the Universe Rush tech demo right now. Then, if you like what you see, then you can vote with your wallet.