Super Stickman Golf 2 to receive Super Meat Boy course, chat support, and more on Thursday

By , on January 7, 2014
Last modified 11 years, 1 month ago

Noodlecake is teeing up to update its crazy golfing sequel Super Stickman Golf 2 with a decidedly meaty chunk of free content on January 9th.

You see, alongside a new turn-based chat feature which will let players insult each other's trousers mid-stroke, the popular putting sim is set to receive a new level based on the extremely gory twitch platformer Super Meat Boy.

"What would such a thing look like?" I hear you cry! Well, it'll look a lot like this:

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Beyond the result of this unlikey collaboration, the Super Stickman Golf 2 team is adding three more new courses to the game (see the trailer below).

What's more, if you have earned enough virtual dough, you'll be able to make your ball leave coloured-streaks across the sky with the newly purchaseable Ball Trails.

We've also been promised a wagering system to let you bet Golf Bux in turn-based multiplayer, and the ability to change your multiplayer handle from LongWood69 or whatever you've called yourself.

The update will land this Thursday, and will be free to Super Stickman Golf 2 players. 

Oh, and if you haven't already bought the game, then you'll be able to download for free on the same day. 

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