Retro RPG sequel Across Age 2 HD slashes its way onto iPad

By , on January 16, 2014
Last modified 11 years, 1 month ago

Things have changed since FDG's nostalgic RPG Across Age was released on the App Store back in 2010. Though old-skool Zelda-alikes were relatively thin on the ground four years ago, iOS gamer have since been drowned in a tidal wave of similarly styled retro-JRPG experiences.

Unlike many of these one-shot copy / paste efforts, however, the newly released Across Age 2 HD - which is now available on iPad - does build on an established RPG franchise. And, to its credit, it doesn't seem to stick as closely to the cookie-cutter approach of some of its peers.

The basic premise remains unchanged. You're cast as returning heroes Ales and Ceska, and must jump headfirst into another time-travelling adventure to change the past and fix the future.

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This time out, you have the option to switch between four player characters at any time. As each character possesses unique abilites, this option should help you with battle bosses, discovering secrets, and finding new paths through the 15-hour story.

JRPG fans will also be excited by the game's anime cutscenes and J-Rock soundtrack, which will likely trigger fond remembrences of RPG classics such as the Ys series.

You can pick up Across Age 2 HD on iPad for £2.99 / $4.99 now. So pull on your little green hat, unsheathe the Master Sword, and…

Wait, that's a different game.

[App Store link]