10000000 developer reveals new puzzler You Must Build a Boat

By , on February 4, 2014
Last modified 11 years ago

Since it was released in 10000000 back in 2012, developer EightyEightGames has been working on an update to the fantastic puzzler.

But, as with so many things in life it was delayed. Then it changed a little, and became and expansion Then it changed a bit more.

Now it has been revealed as an entirely new game, You Must Build a Boat.

Like 10000000,  the main action in You Must Build a Boat will revolve around fast-paced match-three puzzling. Now, however, before each stage you must make a decision about the path your story will take.

As the name implies, these choices will move you ever closer toward constructing your very own water going vessel, along with a skilled crew to pilot it.

This aquatic quest will take you through a range of locations including The Mage Tower, The Vault, and even Hell itself.

Though we are not yet sure when You Must Build a Boat will be released, but we do know EightyEightGames has promised that it will be free at launch. Keep any eye out for more updates soon.

If all this talk of match-three action has your  fingers twitching, however, then you can always head over to the App Store where 10000000 is currently on sale for 69p / 99c.