Split-screen puzzler Dual Survivor will pit your thumbs against each other

By , on February 4, 2014
Last modified 11 years ago

Before you read any further, we have a challenge for you: Rub your stomach and pat your head at the same time.

No, really. We can wait.

Did you struggle with that? Well, then you'll have some understanding of the challenge Rising Step's new game Dual Survivor has in store for you.

You see, the goal of the sci-fi puzzler is to guide two separate energy cores down two separate paths. The catch is that you'll be steering both cores simultaneously with separate thumbs.

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This brain splitting task will start off quite simply, with two symmetrical tracks running in parallel. As the game progresses however, Dual Survivor will step up the difficulty, introducing a range of jumps, obstacles, doors, and bridges to really put your coordination skills to the test.

If you think you can get both hemispheres of you brain to play nicely together, you might want to check out Dual Survivor when it hits the App Store on the 20th of February.