Developer removes lone in-app purchase from Lost Yeti

By , on February 10, 2014
Last modified 11 years ago

Usually when an update hits the App Store a company likes to talk about what it has added. Oddly, today Neutronized Games has been talking about what it has removed from it block-sliding puzzler Lost Yeti – namely, in-app purchases.

It seems that the Italian developer's decision is based on fan feedback to the game's solitary IAP, which allowed players to skip difficult levels.

Talking about the decision on Twitter, Neutronized Games said that people didn't trust a game that offered a micro-transaction while still charging an up-front fee.

Though we sympathise with this philosophy, we can't help but feel that the company would have been less willing to remove the purchase if more than 7 people had bought it.

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The transaction itself cost 69p / 99c, and provided 50 extra popsicles which could be used to skip levels. With the first three level skips free - and more of the icy treats collectible in levels - we certainly didn't find any need to invest when we played Lost Yeti recently.

So, if the lone IAP was putting you off, now would be the perfect time to slide over to the App Store to pick up Lost Yeti. Plus, if you grab it now, you' can get it for the reduced price of £1.49 / $1.99.

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