Excellent RTS Autumn Dynasty is back on the App Store, free for a week

By , on February 20, 2014
Last modified 11 years ago

Feudal RTS Autumn Dynasty is back on the App Store, and available to download free-of-charge for a limited time.

The acclaimed game, which throws you into an ancient, beautifully-drawn world on the brink of revolution, recently  vanished from the App Store without warning. According to developer Touch Dimensions, this was a result of the team's contract with publisher Bulkypix coming to an end.

However, to mark the upcoming release of the game's sequel, Autumn Dynasty -Warlords, the developer has uploaded the original back onto the App Store minus the price tag.

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This not only allows those who previously bought the game to re-download it and continue to receive updates, but also gives the uninitiated a week to grab the game for free.

If you've even a passing interest in strategy gaming, we highly recommend you grab Autumn Dynasty as soon as possible.

[App Store link]