Tiger Style slashes price of excellent bontanical adventure Waking Mars

By , on March 3, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 11 months ago

Sci-fi botanical adventure Waking Mars is currently on sale on the App Store.

One of our favourite iPhone and iPad games from 2012, Waking Mars is a unique game about exploring the caves and plant life that lie beneath the Martian surface.

Taking control of a scientist named Liang, you must use your jetpack to spelunk through the red planet's hidden caverns, and uncover the secrets of its alien ecosystem.

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It isn't long before you find yourself trapped underground. To escape, you'll have to learn to identify and cultivate plants in order to unlock areas, heal yourself, and eventually find your way back to base.

We loved Waking Mars's elegantly simple controls, complex interactions, and intriguing narrative, and would strongly recommend giving it a look. You can download it now for the reduced price of 69p / 99c.

[App Store link]