New trailer for starship shooter Space Noir looks suitably spectacular

By , on March 10, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 11 months ago

N-Fusion interactive has just revealed the first trailer for Space Noir, a visually impressive space shooter due to dock with your iPad this summer.

First, lets get the explanatory legwork out of the way. You assume the role of a bounty hunter chappy named Hal Markham. With the assistance of his AI companion Rhonda, you have to zoom around deep space blasting the frak out of any ship which stands between you and your mission objective.

You'll have 35 different missions to complete, all of which will be divided up over five alien worlds. These missions have been cooked up by the guys behind first-person shooter Deux Ex: The Fall, so expect lots of cyberchatter, and an air of oppressive hopeless. 

Now we've cleared that up, take a look the Space Noir trailer:

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As you can see, Space Noir - which has been developed in association with Unity Games - is a fantastic looking game. Both the ship-to-ship combat and the top-tier visuals put us in mind of the Galaxy on Fire series, the third instalment of which has yet to make an appearence on iOS.

If the gameplay is as strong as its art direction, Space Noir could be the game Galaxy on Fire fans have been waiting for. We'll find out this summer, when Space Noir is released for the iPad.