Free-to-play Facebook RPG Game of Thrones: Ascent coming to iOS

By , on March 11, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 11 months ago

Disruptor Beam and Kongregate have just announced a partnership that will bring the Game of Thrones: Ascent strategy RPG to iOS this spring.

Game of Thrones: Ascent was originally released as a free-to-play RPG via Kongegate and Facebook. Set in Westerous, the game asks you to align yourself with one of the noble houses which rule the land, and undertake missions in order to increase your faction's standing and influence.

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It seems that this iOS edition of Game of Thrones: Ascent will bring with it all of the features of the Facebook version – even allowing you to sync accounts and continue your game on the go.

It' important to note that is game has nothing to do with Telltale's upcoming Game of Thrones series, the first episode of which is due to launch later this year.

Though a release date for Game of Thrones: Ascent has yet to be announced, it is expected early this spring. Keep an eye out for more news soon.