Space-pirate strategy game PlunderNauts is currently looting the UK and Canadian App Stores

By , on March 13, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 11 months ago

Backflip Studios brings pirates and space (space pirates?) together in its new free-to-play strategy game, PlunderNauts, which is out now on the UK and Canadian App Stores.

The game has you guiding your pirate ship through the galaxy on a quest to discover Iron Beard’s lost treasure. Naturally, you'll be maintaining the pirate code by looting the star systems for booty, and battling enemy vessels along the way.

Battles play out in real time. Like more traditional navel warfare sims, you must maneuver into the right position by dragging your ship around the battlefield, taking into account the range and trajectory of your craft's cannons.

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Different crew members offer a variety of buffs to your ship, ensuring you have a good range of tactical options available as the fights become increasingly challenging.

As a free-to-play game, IAPs will be on hand to allow you to upgrade your ship's weaponry, and to enable you to recharage your power reactor to undertake more battles each day.

PlunderNauts is out now in the UK and Canada, and will be coming to the App Store in other regions soon. 

[App Store link]