Match tiles to activate nuclear breath in upcoming Godzilla game

By , on March 17, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 11 months ago

The tie-in mobile game for the upcoming Godzilla movie has been spotted stomping towards the App Store - and it's not the game you might expect.

While developer Rogue Play's interpretation of the Warner Bros. movie does put you in control of the gigantic monster movie icon, it isn't a traditional arcade brawler or smash-'em-up.

Instead of hitting punch and kick buttons to level skyscrapers, you'll be matching coloured tiles on the lower half of the screen to trigger Godzilla's devastating attacks.

Yup - the new Godzilla game is a match-three puzzler. 

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However, before you roll your eyes so hard you find yourself staring at your own frontal lobes, Godzilla - Smash3 does contain its fair share of wanton destruction.

As you can see from the trailer above, successfully matching tiles causes the enormous reptile to level skyscrapers, swat away helicopters like flies, and stamp on tanks as if they were metallic cockroaches.

You can also level-up Godzilla himself, unlocking the mighty lizard's Nuclear Breath attack, and discovering new combos to help you reduce a variety of global locations to rubble.

You'll be able to download Godzilla - Smash3 in May, when it will be launched alongside the new movie.